Abram Called Out of Nimrod’s Kingdom by the Creator

Was Abram called out of Nimrod’s Cushite Kingdom by the Creator to start the Creator’s own Kingdom? Looks like it, but let’s examine and remember, this project is following the scriptures from a geographical standpoint. The connection between Kush, Nimrod, Shinar, and Babel, as described in the Bible, provides a fascinating glimpse into ancient history […]

Nimrod King of Babylon and His Connection to Cush

Welcome to Africa the Land of Shem website; the online series to the book and teaching of the Bible’s ideal land and ideal people. Today, we are talking about Nimrod, king Nimrod of Babylon, and his connection to Cush, the grandson of the patriarch, Noa. Let’s dive in. In the biblical context, Cush is one […]

Africa is the Land of Shem: Speech at Shiloh in the Land of Canaan

Welcome to BibleStudyMinistry.com, your online Bible Study Supplement Source. This series is titled Africa is the Land of Shem. The title is based on the scripture found in Genesis chapter 9, verse 27. It states that Japheth or Yafeti will be enlarged and dwell in the tents or lands of Shem. The lands given to […]