Are You Struggling to Find Your African Heritage in the Scriptures?
If you are, then just know THE STRUGGLE IS OVER! The information you are about to receive will show you your African Heritage, so deeply, and Reconnect Deep in Biblical Roots, it will BLOW YOU AWAY!
First off, who am I?
I’m Minister Koko, Nigerian-born Bible Teacher, Historian, Researcher, and Visionary
For over two decades, I’ve chased knowledge, wisdom, and insight, using what I’ve attained to guide countless souls through the sacred teachings of the Bible. Born in the heart of Africa, raised on its rich cultural fabric, and nurtured by the timeless traditions of my family and ancestors, my journey has been nothing short of remarkable.
My journey has led to why are reading this right now.
It started by a question I asked about the Bible. What land did God promise Abraham and where is that today? Because I was unable to have a clear answer, it disturbed me to no end, but I couldn’t do anything about it. I had these feelings and you may too…
Do you feel disconnected from biblical roots?
Do you ever wonder how stories from Genesis relate to your African heritage?
If so, this free new report will help you immensely. I’ve titled it Finding African Ancestry in the Bible: Unlocking Africa’s Biblical Legacy and Footprints.

It will bridge the gap for you as it did for me.
- You will discover a clear and strong path that links your faith to your African roots.
- You will learn true identities and “nationalities” of characters of the Book of Genesis.
- You will learn how African wisdom shines in the Bible’s earliest chapters.
This free report will give you a deeper connection to our ancestors and strengthen our faith.
We are currently testing the market out, it is free for now, but soon it will graduate to $7, so get your free copy right now while you can.
Just enter your name and the best email address you would want me to send it to, and it will be there.