* James Lewis photography used with permission.
Joshua 2: Rahab Secures Her House from Eminent Invasion: This is Africa, the Land of Shem, a project aimed to display Africa as the land given to the family of Shem, Abram, and the House of Akobe. And today’s segment is based on Joshua chapter 2, verses 15 through 24.
Rahab’s house was built into the town wall, and one of the windows in her house faced outside the wall. She gave the Bantu spies a rope, showed them the window, and said,
“Use this rope to let yourselves down to the ground outside the wall. Then hide in the hills. The men who are looking for you won’t be able to find you there. They’ll give up and come back after a few days, and you can be on your way.”
The spies replied:
You made us promise to let you and your family live when we invade. We will keep our promise, but you can’t tell anyone why we were here. You must tie this red rope on your window when we attack, and your father and mother, your brothers, and everyone else in your family must be here with you. We’ll take the blame if anyone who stays in this house gets hurt. But anyone who leaves your house will be killed, and it won’t be our fault.
“I’ll do exactly what you said,” Rahab promised. Then she sent them on their way and tied the red rope to the window.
The spies hid in the hills for three days while the king’s soldiers looked for them along the roads. As soon as the soldiers gave up and returned to Jericho, the two spies went down into the Jordan Valley and crossed the river. They presented themselves to Joshua and told him everything that had transpired.
“We’re sure the Great Creator has given us the whole country,” they said. “The people there trembling in fear, yet they are frozen with freight every time they think of us.”
To be continued!
Until next time, be strong and very courageous, and may the Great Creator be with you.
Minister Koko
Consul General AKOPPI-BSM
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